{{ $t('FEZ002') }}市立宣信國小|
The Vision of International Education and Bilingual Education in Chiayi City
◆願景:在地行動 鏈結全球
From Chiayi City to the world
以嘉義市地標七彩噴水池形象代表8所國中及19所國小建構出多采多姿的教育內涵, 透過IERC(國際教育資源中心)與ETRC(英語教學資源中心)做為連結世界的窗口,讓孩子從嘉義市出發-以在地行動鏈結全球。
The image of the Central-Fountain in Chiayi City represents the educational features of all the 8 junior high schools and 19 elementary schools in the city. Being the link to the world, IERC(International Education Resource Center)and ETRC(English Teaching Resource Center) bring the students to the world based in Chiayi City.
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